Photography Genres
At AIPAD recently I was having dinner with some friends - photographers and collectors. One of the collectors asked what "kind of photograph" a certain photographer makes. Her intent, as she explained in the conversation, was to understand how to find the photographers work and how to classify it in the collection. There was heated debate about what genres mean and what their origins are and so on.
I extracted all the genres of photography reported in and then traced back the taxonomy of each genre, up to 5 levels deep (higher). In many cases their taxonomy comes from outside of photography and outside of art. It was interesting to see the "roots" in this way.
Leftmost node is 'genre of photography' and it's parent classes in the taxonomy
Inverting the picture and looking at the genres that has listed, and some of their origins in the taxonomy, without rationalizing levels (of subgenre), we can see what came from where.
Genres and subgenres of photography